
Recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck
Recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck

recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck

The scars following a mini tummy tuck can be red for a number of weeks / months after surgery and it can take some time before the scars start turning purple / pink and then start fading into a white line. Although permanent numbness is uncommon, sensation can take a number of months to return. Sensation usually changes following a fleur de lis abdominoplasty. There are uncommon risks of general anaesthesia such as respiratory / cardiac compromise and deep vein thrombosis. Uncommon complications include infection, haematoma, delayed healing/skin necrosis/skin loss, seroma formation and thickened scar. The vast majority of patients are delighted with the procedure although common complaints include numbness, bruising, swelling especially around the scar line and often there is a slight difference between the two sides of the abdomen. Her longer term scar is shown for comparison. This ladies preops and 1 week images can be compared to 4 weeks where there is a healing issue at the join. The healing from a fleur de lis can be longer than a standard tummy tuck and frequently the point that has the most problems is the join of the vertical and horizontal scar. You should begin massage to the scar once healed. You will be able to resume light exercises after a week and normal exercise by 3-4 weeks. You should avoid excessive straining in the first week and should continue to wear a support garment for 4-6 weeks after surgery. You will be reviewed in clinic and the wounds checked at a week. You should arrange for someone to pick you up following surgery and have some support at home on discharge. You will be able to go home the next day and should keep the wounds dry for the next week. You will feel swollen and have abdominal discomfort that will usually require analgesia. You will be able to eat / drink and and mobilize as soon as the anaesthetic wears off. You will not have a catheter in place and it is unusual to require drains. Once the tummy tuck incision has healed and there is no drainage, you should apply silicone ointment as well as silicone strips to the incision to minimize scarring.You will usually return to the ward within an hour following surgery and you will be encouraged to mobilize. If you have swelling in the anterior abdominal wall you may need massages, but usually, this is not required. You may begin sexual relations (if you wish) three to four weeks after your abdominoplasty. Drains are typically placed during a tummy tuck and are usually removed approximately one to two weeks after your tummy tuck. Most patients have some associated pain, which is usually easily managed with narcotics. Most of the swelling is gone after an abdominoplasty after about six to eight weeks. Heavy lifting may require an extended recovery of four to six weeks. You should be able to return to light activity approximately two to three weeks after an abdominoplasty. You should be able to return to a sitting job two to three weeks after an abdominoplasty. The recovery is approximately two to three weeks after an abdominoplasty. After the tummy tuck surgery, you will be expected to wear a compression garment over the abdomen for a minimum of six weeks. The abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck

#Recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck skin

Also, the likelihood of the insurance approving the procedure is dependent on the quality of your health insurance and the ability for you to prove that your excess skin and fat of the abdomen interferes with your activities of daily living. Sometimes the tummy tuck is covered by your insurance if you can prove that you have constant refractory rashes of your anterior abdominal wall. Some plastic surgeons term this a corset abdominoplasty. During an abdominoplasty, the muscles are brought back together, imbricated, and enveloped into the abdomen.

recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck

Most weight loss patients have distension of the rectus abdominis muscles, and many patients have separation of the rectus muscles or rectus diastasis. There is a reverse tummy tuck where the incision is placed underneath the breast, and the tummy is pulled upwards instead of downward. There is a combination of the horizontal and vertical tummy tuck, resulting in a procedure called the fleur de lis. There is a vertical abdominoplasty where the incision is from the center of the chest underneath the breastplate to the belly button and then to the pubic region. There is a horizontal tummy tuck where the incision is placed horizontally across the lower abdomen wall. There are several different types of tummy tucks based on the location and amount of excess abdominal skin. The purpose or goal of abdominoplasty is to remove excess skin of the abdomen and tighten the anterior abdominal wall.

Recovery from fleur de lis tummy tuck